Experiences on applying SPL Engineering Techniques to Design a (Re) usable Ontology in the Energy Domain (bibtex)
by Javier Cuenca, Felix Larrinaga, Edward Curry
Javier Cuenca, Felix Larrinaga, Edward Curry, "Experiences on applying SPL Engineering Techniques to Design a (Re) usable Ontology in the Energy Domain", In The 31st International Conference on Software Engineering & Knowledge Engineering (SEKE2019), pp. 606-611, 2019.
Bibtex Entry:
author = {Cuenca, Javier and Larrinaga, Felix and Curry, Edward},
booktitle = {The 31st International Conference on Software Engineering & Knowledge Engineering (SEKE2019)},
doi = {10.18293/SEKE2019-111},
file = {:Users/ed/Library/Application Support/Mendeley Desktop/Downloaded/Cuenca, Larrinaga, Curry - 2019 - Experiences on applying SPL Engineering Techniques to Design a (Re) usable Ontology in the Energy Doma.pdf:pdf},
month = {jul},
pages = {606--611},
title = {{Experiences on applying SPL Engineering Techniques to Design a (Re) usable Ontology in the Energy Domain}},
url = {http://www.edwardcurry.org/publications/SEKE2019.pdf},
year = {2019}
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